The Master Cleanse is a type of fasting plan that uses fresh lemon juice as one of its main dietary components. During the cleanse, you avoid all solid food and instead drink a specially formulated beverage. Since the diet is very low in calories, you are likely to lose weight. However, very low-calorie fasts can put a person at risk for health complications.

The Master Cleanse is also known as the Master Cleanser or the Lemonade Diet. It was developed almost 50 years ago and based on a book written by Stanley Burroughs. The book was published to explain a plan meant to rid the body of toxins. However, since the celebrity Beyonce announced that she lost a lot of weight using Master Cleanse, it became more commonly used to achieve quick weight loss.

According to MasterCleanse.org, to make the diet's lemonade mixture, you combine 8 ounces of water, 1/10 tsp of cayenne pepper and 2 Tbsp of grade B maple syrup in a plastic liter bottle. Extract 2 Tbsp of juice from a half of a lemon. Shake the ingredients thoroughly and consume as much of the concoction as you like over the course of the day along with a minimum of eight glasses of water.

The diet is typically followed for an average of four to 14 days. Once the fast is over, a light diet is recommended for three days. Broths, juices, vegetables and fruits are typically the only foods consumed for the three days after the diet. On the fourth day, you can resume a normal low-fat diet.

Due to the low-calorie nature of the diet, you are likely to experience some adverse side effects. Common complaints include headache, dizziness, nausea and fatigue. Due to the extreme nature of the diet, an exercise plan is not recommended.

It is recommended by the Weight Control Information Network sponsored by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases that very low-calorie diets only are done under medical supervision. It is also likely that even though you may lose a lot of weight at first, the weight is likely to come back once you resume your normal diet. You should never do the Master Cleanse if you suffer from any type of medical condition.

source : livestrong.com


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